Tuesday, 30 December 2014

My new video

I filmed a new video yesterday (Before i knew about my lens) about what I got for christmas and I really enjoyed it so I'm thinking about doing more haul like videos on my channel. Been thinking a lot about video ideas for my channel and I have a few but  don't really know if it is my style of videos to do? Gonna keep thinking about it and se if I might do them.

So here is the new video.

Chocolate milkshake

Woke up at 11.00 today felt nice sleep in, I started my day with a chocolate milkshake and a sandwich  after breakfast we played some Mario kart. All day I have taken pictures with my camera since I got a new lens yesterday. But I have been outside and went food shopping so haven't just been inside and done nothing.

Monday, 29 December 2014

New lens

I got my new lens well since my dad thinks he's so funny he put it under our Christmas three and wait for me to find it. Took me two hours to notice it there but now I have it on my camera and have taken some pictures with it all I can say is that I love it! 


I was just about to film a video and as I got everything in place I noticed that my camera was out of battery so just waiting for it to load and then I can start filming I don't know if I said this already but I ordered a new lens for my camera the other day so I'm really excited to film videos with it! 

Sunday, 28 December 2014


Well this happened.. And I got really happy. So first Gabriella Lindley liked my tweet and now Inthefrow answered my comment on her video. Went to town today to look for something's on sale but didn't find anything specific so I didn't buy any clothes. 

Friday, 26 December 2014


Today I went to town and looked at a lens for my camera but the only that had in was the demo and if I want one I want a new so I'm gonna order it online. (Someday) 
And yesterday Gabriella Lindley liked my post on Twitter and well let's just say that I lost my breath for a second. 

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Sims 3 Playlist

One day

One say till christmas yeeey! Wrapped my last Christmas gift  this morning and I'll tell you it did not look pretty as I'm not the best gift wrapper out there. I woke up pretty late so haven't really done anything at all just watched a film with my dad and now I'm watching some vlogmas on YouTube. 

Sunday, 21 December 2014

The sims 3: Making a sims

So yesterday I made the first episode of my sims series I enjoyed filming it so I hope you will like it. Did some christmas shopping with my friend Sofia today so now I got all my gifts just need to wrap them up and I will be ready for christmas.

Saturday, 20 December 2014


I filmed a Sims video for my YouTube channel to day and the video is going up tomorrow. Haven't really done anything today ate breakfast at eight and just chilled in my bed for a few hours. Since I didn't have any idea for this weeks video I did my first sims video so hope you will enjoy it. 

Friday, 19 December 2014

No party for me

So I was gonna go to a party tonight but I had to cancel as I didn't really feel like it. After dinner I went straight to bed and slept for an hour. Now I'm watching some YouTube videos and thinking of ideas for a new video. Oh I almost forgot I meet my new cousin Viggo for the first time today, he is soo tiny and cute! 

Tuesday, 16 December 2014


Watching some Christmas treats videos on YouTube to get little more Christmas spirit. Just noticed that my last few updates are all about Christmas! Haha well what can I say got to love Christmas.  Kind of short day at school today but tomorrow makes up for it as I go till four. 

The Beach

On my way to school now and I can't wait for christmas so maybe a can get a bit more sleep. Today I'm writing a paper on The Beach a film from 2000 starring Lionardo Dicaprio so i just watched it yesterday, good movie if you ask me. In English we got a paper with a few questions about the movie and we are gonna have them with us today. After school I think I'm going shopping some christmas gifts for my dad so crossed fingers that I'll find him something nice!

Monday, 15 December 2014


Went to school this morning and started with a film lesson. We edited our ''scary'' film we recorded last friday and I use scary very loosely.. Since this is the last week before Christmas we mostly talked about grades in all subjects or watched movies. But now I'm getting ready for bed watching Connor Franta so yeah that is my day.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Whats makes me happy?!

Today i filmed a video about what makes me happy so all day I have edit this video and played a new game on my phone called camp something and it's almost like Pokemon but yeah just another game that a ill be addicted to...

Saturday, 13 December 2014


Didn't really have anything planned today so me and my sister ended up making a short movie we tried to make it scary but I can truly say that we faild. Also our intern has been out all day it's been a struggle to come up with ideas to do when you don't have it. 

Thursday, 11 December 2014


Watching the first narnia movie on my computer I'm 13 minutes in and have already cried my eyes out and I usually don't cry while watching films so I don't know what came over me. Today was a really slow day as school was off slept in a bit and had a nice bath. Still feel a bit sick though lets just hope that I will feel alright until Christmas.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Big cup of tea

Lying in bed scrolling through tumblr and having a big cup of strawberry tea with milk and honey just like i like it. Went on a meeting in school about working outside f sweden after school mostly about money and what you should think about.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

gingerbread baking

Me and my sister decided that we wanted to make gingerbread this morning so now we have lots and lots of gingerbread for christmas which is great! Since my throat is sore my dad got me ice cream and I'v been drinking tea and I can just hope it starts to feel better. 


I'm going to sleep now after watching the Swedish idol finally and congrats to Lisa how won! One direction did a great preformenc of steal my girl. It was a great ending of Swedish idol 2014!

Friday, 5 December 2014


Stayed home from school today since I don't really feel that good, if feels like small gnomes is banging my brain inside my head and my throat is burning. Just now I'm watching Tanya Burr vlogmas day 1 in two days behind. 

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