Monday, 21 December 2015


I fimed some videos today but on the first one i forgot to hit record and on the other the iso was way to high! urgh! Otherwise my day has been great! I bought some christmas presents, I still have a few left that I need to buy!

Thursday, 26 November 2015


It's time for Christmas drinks! For most people Christmas is hot chocolate and other warm drinks. I personally don't like all the warm autumn and Christmas drinks, tea is fine but that just because my parents made me drink it as a child and some how I kinda stuck to it. But I do prefer cold drinks. And since we don't have a star Bucks where I live I have to buy my fantasy cold drinks from the super market, I present white chocolate mocha to you! This is from now on be my favourite winter drink. 


I haven't done much today and right now I am  watching the ellen degeneres show. So in reality all I'm doing is procrastinating...  But some exiting news is that my sister decided to make her own youtube channel and start uploading videos! If you wanna support her the video is down below!    

Sunday, 22 November 2015


I always think about blogging but I never end up writing any posts! If you do follow me on youtube you may have noticed  that I have worked a bit more on my channel than on my blog, and now it is time for a change. 
Both of my babies needs attention but now it is time to spend it working on my blog! I will still be doing youtube once a week don't you worry and I feel like you will get to know me a bit better if I'm blogging most day of the week (Not all but some).
I filmed a bunch of videos today so that is pretty much all I have done today. 

Here is a Wonderfull  gif of me checking if the focus was right before filming a warm me up for Christmas tag, if you wanna watch it it's up on my channel. 

Friday, 2 October 2015

Pink autumn skyes

Autumn is finally here, go get the warm chocolate and big sweaters. I usually don't like this time of the year as I find summer and light more appealing and fun, but I have promised myself to make the best out of this years autumn and winter.
So this evening I was sitting in the living room when all of sudden the whole backyard turned bright pink and all I could think of was... gonna get ma camera!
unfortunately I wasn't fast enough but I did get some pretty pictures of the beautiful pink sky!  

Thursday, 27 August 2015


Every once in a while it can be nice to take some time an relax. Even If school just started for me I cant help but to feel stressed and I bet I'm not the only one. So what can you do when you feel like you're about to reach your breaking point?  Lest have a pamper evening! 

Here is a great recipe of a relaxing face mask :
You will need:
  • 2 tsp of heaped natural yoghurt
  • 1 tsp of honey
  • A small handful of fresh lavender
Read about the face mask here:   (It's great!)

Take a big cup of tea, tea is great for you especially when you feel stressed as it helps you relax. Drinking tea can even help with anxiety as it is calming and smoothing. If you don't like tea then maybe try another hot drink? I'm not to keen on warm drinks but somehow I can't go a day without drinking a cup of tea.  

Ask for a massage as a stressed mind often have a stressed body! Whether you go to a professional, a family member or a partner a massage will most likely make you less tense.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

One last time

I've been out by the pool all day and had a really nice time with my sister and mom. After a few days of rain the sun finally decided to show and make me really happy! So now after being in the sun for about four hours my skin is red like a lobster and hurts cause I suck at using sun lotion...

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Hearts where never broken

I woke up at nine to have some breakfast with my sister and my mom (Cozy). At ten we started our journey to the city to fix things at the bank, because I'm 18 now (YEEY). So when all the bank stuff was done we looked around for bikiniis, I got myself a new bikini from H&M I may make a haul video on my youtube channel! 

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

New Favorite of mine!

So a few days ago I was looking on youtube for a recipe on iced coffee. I'm not a big coffee drinker but I am so tierd of milk every day after school so I found a recipe on iced coffee! It looked great... but I don't have the right stuff at home so I decided to make my own recipe and boy, it's delicious (At least I think it is).

So If you want to test this out yourself this is my recipe:
half a cup of coffee of your own choice.
1/5 cup of milk
A good hand of ice cubes
And if you want to you can always sipe your drink up with some wiped cream and caramel sauce!

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Boyfriend Jeans

Yesterday I decided that I needed a new pair of jeans! But since I get so anxious when ever I'm about to buy something I've sent a few days on the internet looking for the right jeans just for me. And in the end I bought myself a pair of boyfriend jeans! I will leave the ling for the jeans down below if you are interested of buying a pair yourself.

So this is the jeans! They are really comfy and sits just right at the butt.

The only thing is that I have never really been a big fan of buying jeans that are already ripped because  I feel like you are buying something broken. 
But as comfy as they are the ripped part don't really bother me.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Sneak peak!

Heres a sneak peak for this sundays video! This video was actually so funny filming with my friend Linnéa. My first video that's filmed from two angles and I'm really exited to start editing.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015


Have you guys seen my latest video? I tried to film this at least three times because my family is so loud, but on in the end I manage to put this short but hopefully good video together. And I actually got videos planned for two sundays in row now and that feel soo great! Hope you will enjoy the video. 

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Not feeling it.

As you may have noticed I event really been blogging much and well I just haven't felt like doing it. I'v been putting more time on my youtube channel klick the link if you wanna se what kind of videos I'm making. I have had allot to do (Not really I'm just lazy) in school.

Today I have done on thing and that is watching Game of thrones so I'm about to start on season three later or tomorrow. But now I'm working on my blog and right after I'll start to edit my new video that all be up this evening.

Ans as so many others I'm looking forward to summer, longer days, warm winds, sun kissed skin and what not. I will try to blog more often but I'm not making promises!

A lovely picture of me and my friend.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Suffering with anxiety!

So I don't know how many of you who know this but I suffer from anxiety and some times I get panic attacks. I don't know what triggered my panic attacks but I know that I get them in situations where I don't feel safe and get stressed. A panic attack can only last for up to 25 minutes, although you can get another panic attack a few minutes after the first. 
When I was a kid and had this feeling (often when I was way from home) I didn't quite know what it was and only that I feel extremely sad and scared and had a hard time explaining to others why I felt this way. And now you may wonder what's happening to you when you have a panic attack well the best way for me to explain is that your body sets itself to run away from danger or to fight the problem, it's a instinct we are born with and it has with surviving dangers. And this instinct sets things of like adrenaline and because of the adrenaline you will sweat, feel cold, get hot shivers, lose the feeling in your hands and feet and very claustrophobic. Sounds and smells become stronger and you will feel a bit sick as most of the blood inside your body goes to your stomach+ your digestive system stop working. So people who suffers with anxiety and panic attacks have a low tolerance and this instinct kicks in more often then for people who doesn't. And when your panic attack is over you are gonna feel really tired as your body works really hard under the attack. If panic attacks gets really bad you can get something called panic disorder where you stop doing the things that you would like to do because you think that you will get a panic attack. And that's because the brain stores the information and starts a panic attack at the same place or the same situation as last time let say an airport or nightclub. So what now what do you do if your one of many suffering from anxiety and panic attacks, you should always know that even if it feels hard to deal with there will always be people that are there to help you regardless if the person you talk to is a friend, doctor or a family member it is better to have someone to help you than to be alone. 
If you have anxiety trie to NEVER set a time limit and I know this is hard especially if you like me go to school and have homework to do but such a thing as a time limit cause a lot of stress, and speaking of time I don't know if it's only me but I get really anxious if I have to wait, (doctors or hair dressers) I feel my heartbeat go faster in my chest and I just feel unsafe because I cant control what is about to happen. 

And now I'm gonna tell you what I do when I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack

1. I usually tell someone I feel safe with that I think I'm gonna have one.
2. Trying to make life less stressful maybe talk to your teacher what you have and ask if you can do your work in some other way.
3. Take time for yourself like a pamper evening of you had a stressful day. 

So yeah a bit different then usual hope this have helped you understand a bit more about anxiety and panic attacks. 

Sunday, 22 February 2015

New shoes for me!

I Bought myself a new pair of shoes today they should have been  £108,7 but i got them for £54,35 so yeah I'm really happy with them! And since I all ready got them in black I decided to get a blue pair so looking forward to be wearing them!

I also meet my little cousin Melvin today and oboy is he cute! He is just such a happy little child always smiling (especially if there is food)

Monday, 16 February 2015

Thet are the hunters we are the foxes

I filmed a chatty video today and I really enjoyed filming it! Now I'm just gonna edit it, it's going up later today. 

Saturday, 14 February 2015

You're still all over me like a wine-stained dress I can't wear anymore

Have been sick this week and I still have a fever which sucks.. But it gave me time to catch up on pll (pretty little liars) so not all bad. But yeah as I sound like a dogs chewing toy when I speak I think my video for this week will be on Wednesday instead of this Sunday but we will se. 
I also downloaded this new app that let you makes cool icons for your phone. 
(Se in picture) 

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Then why'd you had to go.

My family left me this morning as they went to Ikea and I was fine for a few hour but then I saw that they left me with no food… So had to wait a long time before I could eat. They bought lots and lots of candles and my sister bought herself a new bed, it looks really cozy.
Just look how happy she is!

I had a shower right now and I'm trying out the LorĂ©al Elvital Fibrologi as I got the thinest hair in the history of hair I will give it a try and see if my hair gets any thicker. + It smells really good.

I even had the time to upload a new video today.

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Don't say I didn't warn you.

We are celebrating my sisters fifteen birthday today so we had to wake up early and now we are just waiting for everyone to come. I need to edit my video for tomorrow tonight so I can do something fun instead of editing all day tomorrow. But now I'm listening to Taylor swifts new album and I can tell you this I do not like Taylor but this album is sooo damn good so even if you don't like Taylor give the album a chance cause it's good. 

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

I'm gonna make you smile

Had a good sleep in today and school started at half past eleven. Didn't really do much in school other than a photo lesson where we got new things to work with. And now I'm watching pretty little liars. 

Sunday, 25 January 2015

My one to go hairstyle

So my one to go Hairstyle is a big bun on the top of my head You can never go wrong with a big bun. At the same time as it looks messy it also has just that little touch of fancy in it. You could work a head bun on a nice party I believe and it looks extra nice if you have a bit of volume in the front. 

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