Thursday, 27 August 2015


Every once in a while it can be nice to take some time an relax. Even If school just started for me I cant help but to feel stressed and I bet I'm not the only one. So what can you do when you feel like you're about to reach your breaking point?  Lest have a pamper evening! 

Here is a great recipe of a relaxing face mask :
You will need:
  • 2 tsp of heaped natural yoghurt
  • 1 tsp of honey
  • A small handful of fresh lavender
Read about the face mask here:   (It's great!)

Take a big cup of tea, tea is great for you especially when you feel stressed as it helps you relax. Drinking tea can even help with anxiety as it is calming and smoothing. If you don't like tea then maybe try another hot drink? I'm not to keen on warm drinks but somehow I can't go a day without drinking a cup of tea.  

Ask for a massage as a stressed mind often have a stressed body! Whether you go to a professional, a family member or a partner a massage will most likely make you less tense.

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